If you want to create advanced and interactive online courses effortlessly, you can use the WordPress FoxLMS Plugin. It is a complete tool for creating and managing online courses with ease.
This extensive plugin offers a wide range of features. In this article particularly, we will discuss the email settings.
To find the email settings, head to the FoxLMS Plugin > General Settings page > Emails Tab.

From Settings #
This section includes options related to the sender’s name, email address, and subject.
- From Name: In this input, you can write the sender’s name which will appear in the outgoing emails.
- From E-Mail Address: For this option, you need to specify the email address from which all the course-related emails will be sent.
- From E-Mail Subject: You can specify the default subject line for outgoing emails. You can customize this in a way to reflect the purpose of the email.

Email to Students #
By ticking the “Course enrolled” feature of this section, you can send an email notification to the students once they successfully enroll in any course.

Email to Instructors #
If you tick the “Student enrolled in Course” option of this section, a notification email will be sent to the Instructors once someone enrolls in the courses they have created.

Email to Admin
There are two options in the “Email to Admin” section.
- New Instructor Signup: By ticking the toggle for this feature, a notification email will be sent to the Admin of the website when a new Instructor signs up on the website.
- New Student Signup: By ticking the toggle for this feature, you can send a notification email to the Admin of the website when a new Student signs up on the website.

That’s all. In this article, we have learned how to configure the Email Settings of the plugin. Make sure to check the WordPress FoxLMS Documentation for more info about the plugin.